Managed Services
Supported Living, Outreach Services for adults and children under 18, Respite Care within a Service User’s Home, overnight Respite in a Supported Living Environment

Service Userbands
Learning Disability, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Physical Disability, Sensory Impairment, Challenging behaviours, Complex Health Needs, Dementia

Service User Age Group
18 years plus Adults: Supported living, accessing community activities, overnight respite in a supported living environment and in the family home ; 0-17 years : Children - personal care and accessing community activities of interest

Services We Offer
We offer the following services:-
- We offer 1:1 support in the home and community including:
- Overnight respite in a Supported Living Care Settings
- Respite in own home
- Social outings.
- Accessing community facilities.
- Promoting independence by teaching skills of daily living in the home
Interested? Let's get in touch!
Let us know what we can do to make your life easier and feel confident that your loved one is getting the care they deserve.