We believe people of all ages who have learning disabilities mental health and other complex needs, including those that present with behaviours that may challenge, have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and the opportunity to live valued lives.  With our support, people build self-esteem and confidence, learn to regulate and manage their emotions and develop and maintain relationships. With consistent nurturing support, the people we support build skills and achieve great outcomes.

We have experience of supporting people with a range of health needs including;

  • Autism and Asperger’s conditions
  • Mental health needs, including schizophrenia, depression, personality and attachment disorders
  • Acquired Brain injury
  • Other Complex Health care needs

Our approach is always person-centred. Our staff receive advanced training to understand the person’s history, diagnosis and range of needs. This ensures the staff have empathy and understanding of the function of the persons behaviour and greater insight into why they behave differently in situations they find more stressful to manage than others. We will support people to be a citizen in their community, with the same opportunities as we all have to build skills and reach goals. These are aligned with our own organisational values.

Some of the people we support have been sectioned under the Mental Capacity act, meaning they have posed a danger to themselves and or others during times of crisis. We also work with people who make unwise decisions, placing themselves in risky situations. We ensure staff have the training and skills to build a therapeutic relationship with people and support them in a non-judgmental way, ensuring they get the right support and guidance at the right times, to enable them to make choices to keep themselves as safe as possible and improve their quality of life.

We complete a thorough assessment with each individual and their circle of support ensuring we have a comprehensive profile of the person. This work culminates in an agreed support plan to enable the transition to begin. We ensure the people we work with understand the support they will receive, the boundaries of this, the involvement of other professional and how this fits together to form their care ‘pathway ‘and the legal frameworks, including the Mental Capacity Act, and  Deprivation of liberty safeguarding (Dols) which we work to.